Backup of Aims, Objectives & Programs
Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) is a registered non-government institute, established in the year 1989.
The Institute came into existence through the initiative of a group of scholars, educationists and academicians to undertaken programmes for harmonization of education, culture, political and economic thinking, morality and ethics. It was felt that the requires mastery over the disciplines and at the same time a profound understanding of the Divine Patterns set up in His creation by Allah (SWT). The thought of Dr. Ismail Raji al Faruqi on “Islamization of Knowledge” published by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) USA, was taken as the starting point. The Book represents the perspective of a number of concerned and dedicated scholars. It is a “Vision” which embodies the basic principles of Islamization of humanities and social sciences. The organization “Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought” thus came into being by the driving spirit of bringing about a synthesis of derived and revealed knowledge.
BIIT is basically an organization engaged in research and in-depth study for synthesizing education, culture and ethics.
The prime objectives of the Institute are:
- To carry on systematic studies in different areas of knowledge and identify the factors responsible for the prevailing crisis of the present civilization.
- To work for the revival of the intellectual, educational cultural and universal identity of the Ummah.
- To develop a comprehensive Islamic approach towards addressing the problems which have been threatening the progress of human civilization.
- To work for developing an integrated scientific and ethical base of education which is essential for a civil society.
- To publish monographs reflecting the stand of Islam in the light of the Quran and Hadith on different contemporary thoughts like Human Rights, Gender Issues, Poverty Alleviation, Universal Brotherhood, Religious Tolerance etc