IIIT, through its Advancing Education in Muslim Societies (AEMS) initiative, is engaging in research on both the theoretical as well as the empirical levels of advancing education in Muslim societies globally and in North America. The purpose of the “Research Notes” is to highlight the themes that the research teams are working on, including lessons learned, methodology, and contextual considerations. In addition, we will address the complexities of conducting empirical (quantitative and qualitative) research in multiple countries as we strive to advance education in Muslim societies.

In the process of sharing the research notes, we hope to inform and generate conversations on scholarship in educational research in Muslim societies. The research notes will be published once a month through the end of the year (2019).

Multiple authors will address the issues listed below as well as others from their own experiences and perspectives. If you are interested in contributing to the “Research Notes” please contact Dr. Ilham Nasser at If you are interested in contributing to the “Research Notes” please contact Dr. Ilham Nasser at



The State of Education Report 2018-2019 discusses and analyzes the results of the 2018-2019 study from “Mapping the Terrain” which included over 25,000 participants from fifteen countries. It explored how secondary school and university students, parents, teachers, and administrators value skills such as empathy, forgiveness, moral reasoning, and community-mindedness. The report was presented on November 19, 2019 at the American University in partnership with the School of Education’s International Training and Education Program (ITEP). This event will generate a discussion on the implications for advancing education in Muslim societies.



The annual report 2018-2019 provides an analysis and a discussion of the results of the “Mapping the Terrain” study which included over 25,000 participants from fifteen countries. It explored how secondary school and university students, parents, teachers, and administrators view values such as empathy, forgiveness, moral reasoning, and community-mindedness. The report was presented on November 19, 2019 at the American University in partnership with the School of Education’s International Training and Education Program (ITEP). This report and others after will generate a discussion on the implications for advancing education in Muslim societies.

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Once permission is granted in writing from the IIIT empirical research division for a specific use, it must be acknowledged that permission was expressly granted by the IIIT, United States Office in Herndon, Virginia  and “Mapping the Terrain” study’s writing team(s) must be cited as the original source and copyright holder, along with the title and year of publication followed by the words “Reprinted with permission.”

Please note that downloading the data does not require permission, only the use of materials.