Omar Hasan Kasule
List of the Papers of Omar Hasan Kasule
- The Approach of the Qur’an and Sunnah in Medicine: Challenges and Practices in the Era of Globalization
- Islamization of the Curriculum: The Islamic input in the Medical Curriculum (IIMC) at the Kulliyah of Medicine
- Research Priorities On Epistemology And Thought
- Islamization of knowledge: Medicine as a Model
- Akhlaq al Tibb(Medical Ethics)
- Fiqh al Amraadh(Disease Conditions)
- Fiqh al Ibadat (Physical Acts of Worship)
- Fiqh al Mustajiddaat (Modern Medicine)
- Fiqh al ‘Aadaat (Activities of Normal Living)
- Akhlaq al Tibb (Medical Ethics)
- The Epistemology And Curriculum Reform Project In South And Southeast Asia
- Stages In The Islamization Of Medical Sciences
- Reform Of The Arts, Islaah Al Funuun
- Reform Of Education, Islah Al Tarbiyat
- Reform Of Physical Sciences
- Reform Of Social Sciences, Islaah Al ‘Uluum Al Ijtima’iyyat
- Islamic Epistemology And The Solution Of The Education Crisis
- Fiqh al Mu’amalaat (Transactions)
- Fiqh al Jamaat (The Community)
- Contemporary-Ethico-Legal issues from an Islamic Legal Perspective
- The Approach of the Qur’an and Sunnah in Medicine: Challenges and Practices in the Era of Globalization
- Islamization of knowledge: Medicine as a Model
- ‘Aqiidat (The Creed)
- ‘Ilm(Knowledge)
- Jism al Insaan (The Human Organism: Structure & Function)
- Khalq (Creation)
- Life, Health, and Growth
- Qiyadat(Leadership)
- Takwiin at Tabiib(Formation of the Physician)
- Contemporary-Ethico-Legal issues from an Islamic Legal Perspective
- Concept Paper On Writing Textbooks For University Courses In Bangladesh
- Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule’s Speech in the Workshop on Text Book Writing
- Epistemological Reform for Educational Excellence